ACDA Southern Division 2018 Appalachian State University Singers MP3

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Appalachian State University – University Singers
Stephen M. Hopkins, Conductor
Hollie Lacy, Accompanist
1. Sing Joyfully – William Byrd (1543-1623) / CPDL
2. Like as the Culver on the Barèd Bough – Halsey Stevens (1908-1989) / Hal Leonard
3. Little Bird, Little Bird – Gail Kubik (1914-1984) / Hal Leonard
4. Evening – Eriks Esenvalds (b. 1977) / Musica Baltica
Rachel Tucker, soloist
5. Lerchengesang – Felix Mendelssohn-Bartoldy (1809-1847) / CPDL
6. Lark – Aaron Copland (1900-1990) / Hal Leonard
Mitchell Auger, soloist
7. Let Me Fly – arr. Robert DeCormier (b. 1922) / Lawson-Gould
Trevor Neal, soloist