ACDA Western Division 2018 Clovis North High School Women’s Chorale March 14-17, 2018 MP3

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Clovis North High School Women’s Chorale
Heather Bishop, Director
Kim Schapansky, Accompanist
1. Salve Regina – Javier Busto / Walton
2. Tota Pulchra Es – Maurice Durufle / Theodore Presser Co.
Solo – Lily Harris
3. Cedit Hyems (Gone Winter) – Abbie Betinis / Abbie Betinis
4. Flight Song – Kim André Arneson / Earthsongs
5. Spark (To Music) – William Barnum / Graphite Pub.
6. Ezekiel Saw De Wheel – arr. J. David Moore / J. David Moore
Soloists – Shyanne Berger & Paige Christie
7. Call – Joan Szymko / Santa Barbara