EVE AND OTHER Acts of Defiant Gratitude poems by Timothy Donohue – Book and Three CD Set

EVE AND OTHER Acts of Defiant Gratitude  poems by Timothy Donohue  –  Book and Three CD Set

Eve and Other Acts of Gratitude  Poems by Timothy Donohue


This is a book of poetry and a spoken word three CD set of the poet reading from his own book of poetry “Eve and Other Acts of Gratitude“. 


In this, his third volume of poetry, Donohue’s poems meet you where you are, and return your vision to a world loaded with wonders and laughter if you’ll just take a few moments to look and list and breathe it all in. The past and the present, magic and loss, creation and cremation coexist. Shakespeare and Texas Cafeterias, Michael Cohen and John Donne, Joni  Mitchell and conversations stored in a giant freezer. As one reviewer said, “Every page bristles with turns or insights that will stop you cold and make you see the world in a new way. A most rewarding experience.”
