Mt. Pilchuck MEA JR Division Band and Choir Honors Festival 01-17-2019 CD

MPMEA Eighth Grade Honor Choir
Alonso Brizuela, Guest Conductor
Jeremy Young, Collaborative Artist
Monika Tabor, Managing Director
1. Come Travel with Me – Scott Farthing / Walton Music
2. Nine Hundred Miles – arr. Phillip Silvey / Santa Barbara
3. Homeward Bound – Marta Keen / arr. Jay Althouse / Alfred Music
4. Babethandaza – Traditional South African Folksong / arr. Victor C. Johnson / Choristers Guild
MPMEA Eighth Grade Honor Band
Dr. Nse Ekpo, Guest Conductor
Jonathan Bletscher, Managing Director
5. Project Mercury – Mekel Rogers / FJH Music
6. Moscow, 1941 – Brian Balmages / FJH Music
7. Cumberland Cross – Carl Strommen / Alfred Music
8. Festivo – Vaclav Nelhybel / arr. Douglas E. Wagner / Alfred Pub.