Ohio OMEA District 13 High School Honors Chorus 2-23-19 CD

Elementary Choir
Alex Gartner, Guest Conductor / Michael Spresser, Accompanist
1. Come Out to Play – Traditional Street Cry / arr. Douglas Beam / Colla Voce
Mike Holz, soprano recorder
2. Come With Hearts and Voices Sounding – J.S. Bach / arr. K. Lee Scott / MorningStar Music
3. Peace on Earth…and lots of little crickets – Oliver Twigge, Paul Carey / Walton Music
Aubri Amburgey, Courtney Barnes, Kelly Case, Leslie Hicks, Mike Holz, Mykiara Jones,
Summer Russell, Kaylie Taylor, and Isabel Tadych – percussion
4. Bound for Glory – Traditional Spirituals / arr. Alex Gartner / Alfred Music
Junior High/Middle School Choir
Caitlin Jennings, Guest Conductor / Stacy Haney, Accompanist
5. Gloria in Excelsis – Antonio Vivaldi / arr. D. Collins / Cambiata Press
6. Shenandoah – American Folk Song / arr. Jay Althouse / Alfred Music
7. Come To Me, O My Love – Allan Robert Petker / Hinshaw Music
8. Keep Your Lamps! – Traditional Spiritual / arr. Victor C. Johnson / Heritage Music Press
High School Choir
Jeremy D. Jones, Guest Conductor / Sarah J. Baker, Accompanist
9. The Last Words of David – Randall Thompson / E.C. Schirmer
10. Jubilate Deo – Peter Anglea / Hinshaw Music
11. I Will be a Child of Peace – Elaine Hagenberg / Beckenhorst Press
12. Let the River Run – Craig Hella Johnson / Hal Leonard